Tuesday, November 30, 2010


From http://www.babyboomercaretaker.com/elderly-law/age-discrimination/stereotype/Stereotype-Examples.html, "The Asians are stereotyped to be good at mathematics; the blacks are stereotyped to be good at athletics and dancing. These can be regarded as positive stereotypes. Other stereotype like "All Muslims are terrorists" is a negative stereotype.There are examples of gender stereotypes too, often perpetuated by the media. Many films, advertisements and television programs show men engaged in physically demanding pursuits such as sport, rock-climbing, and beach surfing or canoeing. They also show young boys playing with action toys such as trucks, robots and super-hero figures. This depiction of men strongly suggests that they are strong, adventurous and active paving way for them to be stereotyped in that manner. On the other hand, the same media shows young girls putting on make-up, brushing their hair and generally worrying about their overall appearance. Some other advertisements show mothers serving meals to their families. The depiction of women in such roles suggests that they are good at performing household chores and taking care of their appearances and they are eventually stereotyped by these traits. Examples of gender stereotypes are ‘Men are masculine”, “Women are good cooks”, “Men are strong, adventurous and brave”, “Women are in charge of the house and Men are in charge of finances” etc."
These are just a few examples of stereotyping in television and all media in general.

The next two posts I found on YouTube. They are a two part video about racial stereotyping of African Americans. The topic is Racial Stereotyping as reported by Carolyn Craven for Rona Barrett's "Television: Inside & Out" broadcast of Saturday, December 19th, 1981. These videos display a clear example of how the media can and does use stereotypes. These clips were filmed in 1981 and show TV clips from the 60's forward.

Many people are quick to judge everyone that belongs to an ethnic group because of what they see and hear on television. Back before the technological age of the Internet, television and radio were all people had to see the world. Most didn't have enough money or resources to leave the country, let alone the town in which they lived. Therefore, the images of people different than themselves were obtained mainly by what they saw and heard on TV and radio.

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