Saturday, November 6, 2010

Media Literacy

I am participating in a project for my Media Literacy class at UMass Boston. This blog has been set up to show the effects of stereotyping in the media. My goal is to show how stereotyping is presented in the media and the problems that it can create. These include: reducing a wide range of differences in people and placing them in "categories", transforming assumptions about particular groups of people into "realities", being used to justify the position of those in power and encouraging social prejudice and inequality. Media stereotyping doesn't just effect one group of people. It can, essentially, at one time or another, include all of us, no matter what your color, gender, sexual preference or religion.


  1. A great resource to look at types of media stereotyping:

  2. I found this question/staement online:
    "I need some examples of stereotyping in the media!"
    The answers were as follows:
    "Short men are angry,tall men are natural leaders,blacks are all criminals,muslims are all terrorists,British people are all live in castles & talk like the queen,blondes are stupid,Americans are stupid & fat,lesbians are just men with vaginas (unless they are attractive),gay men are sissys,women are not as smart as men,men are the stronger sex,white men are wimps,black women are agressive,white women are pushovers,Asian women are submissive".
    I found the responses very shocking and interesting, but true. We have all seen these stereotypes portrayed before.

  3. I have decided that which each of my blogs I would explore a different type of media. The first "Katrina photos" was from magazines. The second "Crash" from movies. And the third "Cartoon/Editorials" from newspapers. I plan to look at television and radio for my next two blogs. This is to show that stereotyping is a dominant force in all aspects of the media.
